What we do best at

FYBC is built utilising all of my skills and allows me to work with a wide variation of people, such as:
Individuals who want to feel clear, feel good, feel supported when it comes to their work and career.
Founders and leaders in high-growth companies who want to build strong teams that both understand & work well with one another.
Leaders in sales looking to develop their people skills.
Founders & directors in high growth companies who need a combined growth & people strategy to deliver their ambitious scale up plans.

I have worked with:


Supporting Founders, Teams & Individuals in High-Growth Companies with:
Coaching Services:
1. In-House Coaching Service
Our most popular service aimed at high growth companies who are scaling
quickly or recently acquired series B funding or investment and want to
support their people with personalized, learning experiences.
Supporting employees personal, professional development & their
wellbeing through 1-to-1 coaching sessions with an external, impartial coach.
A safe, non judgemental space where employees can bring whatever is challenging them at work right now. They will work through it with me & produce an action plan to ensure they move forward. Positively impacting their personal development, performance & wellbeing.
Individual sessions are 1 hour and can be both remote & face to face in the North West.
An external coach supporting the performance, development and wellbeing of your people a day a month.
Investment from £800 a month.
2. Talk with Suzy
1-to-1 coaching sessions for founders, professionals & directors working within high growth companies who find themselves with an absence of happiness or enjoyment in their working lives. Maybe self doubt has crept in and you are now unsure of yourself & your decisions. This service is for you.
A safe, non judgemental space to bring what is going on for you right now at work, explore & move yourself forward with renewed clarity and confidence!
Available as a one off session, block of 3,5 or 8 sessions.
Sessions are 90 minutes and can be both remote & face to face in the North West.
Investment from £225.

People Services
1. DiSC Personality Profiles
Use the personality profiling tool DiSC, as a tool to prompt reflection and exploration of your personality preferences and traits. Get to know yourself better!
For individuals and leaders.
Profiles can be purchased individually or in blocks of 5.
Investment from £50 per profile.
2. Perform Authentically Sessions
1-2-1 session with Suzy to bring alive your DiSC profile so it doesn't just live in a drawer!
Explore & make sense of your DiSC profile, what it means for you, the ‘so what’ and actions you can take based on your personality preferences to enhance your impact, relationships & be your authentic self at work.
For individuals & leaders.
Available as a one off session.
Sessions are 90 minutes and can be both remote & face to face in the North West.
Investment from £225.
3.'Working Better Together' Workshops
One of our most popular services, a facilitated team workshop focused on introducing and working through the DiSC profiles of each team member. Building awareness and understanding of each other’s personalities and preferences.
Looking at self perception, perception of others & breaking down barriers to communication. Alongside exploring the dynamic of the team & how they blend so they can work 'better together'.
Providing top tips on how to communicate & collaborate with different personality styles. Flexing your style for better influence & impact on others work with. You leave with a team action plan - how you can support each other moving forward & enhance communication & performance as a team.
Available as half day or full day workshops.
Workshops can be remote or face to face.
Investment from £3,000.
4. P.I.R Service - Personality in Recruitment Service
Using DiSC as our tool, providing personality profiling & consultancy service to support your recruitment process.
Looking at the strengths, skillset & mindset of those within the recruitment process and how they can complement your team and or business. Focused on aiding retention within the recruitment process especially for senior hires & supporting workplace culture.
For HR professionals, founders, leaders, hiring managers
P.I.R service & support is available both remote & face to face in the North West
Available as one off project or on a retainer way of working
Investment from £500.
5. Consultancy Services
Consultancy focused on people, culture and leadership retention.
Specifically in areas such as workplace coaching, career progression, career pathways, authentic leadership, interview support, informal development programmes.
For founders & directors in high growth companies.
Consultancy support is available both remote & face to face in the North West.
Available as one off project or on a retainer way of working.
Investment from £800.
6. Bitesize Workshops
Bitesize workshops (90 minutes) in leadership development, self belief & personal confidence, managing perfectionism and the power of diverse thinking.
For founders, directors, HR leads, teams in high growth companies.
Training can be remote or face to face.
Available as lunch & learn 2 hour sessions.
Investment from £650 a workshop.
Sales Leadership Services
1. Talk Sales with Suzy
One of our most popular services, 1-to-1 troubleshooting session to help you review the situation, generate options and actions to move forward with your sales.
For founders, directors, sales professionals.
Available as a one off session, block of 3,5 or 8 sessions.
Sessions are 90 minutes and can be both remote & face to face in the North West.
Investment from £225.
2. Sales Training for Teams
Facilitated training sessions on the starting principles to teams of best practice in sales management, influencing skills & sales leadership.
For founders, directors, sales professionals.
Available as half day workshops.
Workshops can be remote or face to face in the North West.
Investment from £2,800.
3. Growth Strategy Days
A facilitated strategy day looking AT the business rather than being ‘IN IT!’
When a business scales quickly, it's rightly about ‘the do’. But what's next? Where is it heading now & what's the plan to get there?
On these growth days we take a step out of the business, explore the fundamentals of how the business works, the value creation for your clients, the costs to deliver & the people and culture supporting ‘the do’.

Pausing, taking a step back & getting creative on the options & outputs to move the business forward into its next chapter!
For founders & directors in high growth companies.
Available as half day or full day workshops.
Workshops can be remote or face to face.
Investment from £1,000.
4. Business Development Consultancy
Don't know where to start with your business development or sales? Need someone to bounce ideas off? Need ideas to help you grow, have impact with your existing & new clients? Look no further!
For founders & directors in high growth companies.
Consultancy support is available both remote & face to face in the North West.
Available as one off project or on a retainer way of working.
Investment from £800 a month.
I'd love to chat about how FutureYou Business Coaching can help you with your work or business challenges.
For a no obligation discovery chat, please get in touch.